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National Merino Challenge

A two-day, national breeding competition to improve the engagement of young people with the Merino industry.
The National Merino Challenge is currently on hiatus
In the meantime, the School Wether Challenge is an interactive competition-based learning journey that engages students with sheep and wool production and highlights the diverse careers available across the in the wool industry.
Visit Learn About Wool for the information and resources you need to deliver an engaging and educational 10-week program that prepares your students to compete in the school wether challenge in your state.
Learn About Wool also offers a variety of other resources, lesson plans and activities for teachers and students from early childhood through to senior secondary years.
The National Merino Challenge (NMC) is an Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) initiative designed to allow young people to engage with the Merino industry by developing their knowledge, skills and networks, and involves presentations and demonstrations from industry professionals.
The Challenge involves presentations and demonstrations from industry professionals and the participants compete through a series of 'mini challenges' designed to evaluate their knowledge of Merino breeding and selection, production and fleece.
The Challenge has two sections - late secondary and tertiary - and is open to years 11 and 12 and tertiary students, Australia-wide. The tertiary sector includes university students and those studying through TAFE or another RTO.
To participate in the NMC, students and their trainers must register and then participate in the two-day program, which incorporates an Industry Dinner to allow students to meet key industry figures.
Students can choose to do as much or as little work in the lead up to the NMC as they like. Materials are provided to all participants and their teachers to create a more even playing field.
A key part of the Challenge is the two-day Train-the-Trainer (TtT) Workshops, which ensures trainers are kept up-to-date with breeding and selection skills and industry knowledge (including recent research outcomes) so they can transfer this knowledge to their students. The NMC provides teachers with materials (whether or not they are able to attend the TtT Workshop) to prepare their students for the Challenge, as well as providing the students with materials they can use to prepare before coming to the NMC.

Ben Watts
National Merino Challenge Project ManagerThe National Merino Challenge (NMC) is a two-day, national competition which improves the engagement of young people with the Merino industry by developing their knowledge, skills and networks.