Grower Menu

Click on the buttons below to see the full menu of resources offered by AWI in each category

Lifetime Ewe Management

Ewe nutrition for optimal productivity
Picking Performer Ewes

Ewe selection options for optimal performance
Picking Performer Ewes
Ewe selection options for optimal performance
RAMping Up Repro

Prepare a ram team for joining
RAMPing Up Repro
Prepare a ram team for joining
Winning With Weaners

Setting weaners up for lifetime productivity
Winning With Weaners
Setting weaners up for lifetime productivity
Foundations of sheep & wool production

What to do and when
Foundations of Sheep and Wool Production
What to do and when
Lifting lambing rates

Lifting lambing rates by minimising lamb losses
Lifting Lambing Rates
Lifting lambing rates by minimising lamb losses
Breeding & selection

Setting and achieving breeding objectives
Breeding and Selection
Setting and achieving breeding objectives
Sheep in a cropping enterprise

Effective integration and benefits of sheep in a cropping enterprise
Sheep in a Cropping Enterprise
Effective integration and benefits of sheep in a cropping enterprise
Flystrike Control

Flystrike management options and research
Flystrike Control
Flystrike management options and research
Pain relief

Pain relief management options and research
Pain Relief
Pain relief management options and research
ParaBoss: flies, lice, worms

Management options, decision tools and local programs for fly, lice, worm control
Biosecurity & Sheep Disease

Biosecurity and sheep disease prevention and management strategies
Biosecurity and Sheep Disease
Biosecurity and sheep disease prevention and management strategies
Drought & Natural Disasters

Preparedness, management and recovery
Drought & Natural Disasters
Preparedness, management and recovery
Containment Feeding

Defer pasture and ration feed
Containment Feeding
Defer pasture and ration feed
Pasture, Weed & Soil Management

Tools and resources to manage your pasture, soil and weeds
Pasture, Weed and Soil Management
Tools and resources to manage your pasture, weeds and soil
Pest Animal Management

Research, baiting and coordination for pest animal management
Pest Animal Management
Research, baiting and coordination for pest animal management
Feed assessment & budgeting

Feed assessment and budgeting tools to optimise feed and stocking rates with
Feed Assessment and Budgeting
Feed assessment and budgeting tools to optimise feed and stocking rates with
Grain and Graze

Mixed enterprise management and feedbase options

Perennials for more livestock production

Enhance water quality, quantity and reliability
Enhance water quality, quantity and reliability
Wool Market Intelligence

Wool market insights and demand indicators
Wool Market Intelligence
Wool market insights and demand indicators
Sheep Infrastructure

Shed and yard design and infrastructure
Nuffield Scholarship

Scholarship to study and travel to better the wool industry
Nuffield Scholarship
Scholarship to study and travel to better the wool industry
Breeding Leadership

Personal and business development for emerging industry leaders
Breeding Leadership
Personal and business development for emerging industry leaders
National Merino Challenge

Competitions for emerging industry leaders
Young Farming Champions

Young advocates for the Australian wool industry
Young Farming Champions
Young advocates for the Australian wool industry
Key Profit Drivers & Cost of Production

Tools to work out key profit drivers and cost of production
Key Profit Drivers and Cost of Production
Tools to work out key profit drivers and cost of production
Shearing & Wool Handling

In-shed skill development
Shearing and Woolhandling
In-shed skill development

Entrepreneurial technology opportunities
Wool Harvesting Technology

Automated shearing industry research
Merino Lifetime Productivity

Long-term genetic evaluation
Making More From Sheep

Entrepreneurial technology opportunities
AWI on-farm program updates

Updates on sheep production, science and technology
AWI on-farm program updates
Updates on sheep production, science and technology
AWI off-farm program updates

Updates on sheep production, science and technology
AWI off-farm program updates
Updates on textile innovations and marketing
Woolmark Learning Centre

Wool industry farm to fashion learning for the entire supply chain
Woolmark Learning Centre
Wool industry farm to fashion learning for the entire supply chain
The Woolmark Company

Updates on sheep production, science and technology
AWI Communications

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