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Woolpoll 2024

WoolPoll 2024

WoolPoll 2024 (1).jpg

WoolPoll is woolgrowers’ opportunity to have their say on the level of collective investment in research, development (R&D) and marketing to take advantage of the opportunities and address the threats faced by the Australian wool industry.


  • WoolPoll is a poll of eligible wool levy payers, conducted every three years, to determine the levy rate paid to AWI for industry R&D and marketing. Currently the levy rate is 1.5% (of the sale price woolgrowers receive for their shorn greasy wool).
  • At WoolPoll, eligible woolgrowers are asked to consider up to five levy rate options. They can vote for one or more levy rates in order of preference.
  • The levy rate that receives the highest number of votes will be paid by all woolgrowers for the next three years (2025/26 – 2027/28).  The levy rate takes effect from 1 July 2025.

Your fibre. Your future. Your call.

Voter Information Memorandum

Voting is your chance to be part of the picture and have your say to help determine what the industry levy rate should be.

This voting information memorandum includes instructions on how to select your voting preference and key insights about what each levy rate will deliver to the industry.

Investing in your future

A successful wool industry needs 2%

To invest in:

  • Shearer training
  • Defending the right to grow and promote wool
  • Game-changing bioharvesting
  • Marketing wool to the world
  • Helping the industry on carbon and methan
  • Developing new markets

When is WoolPoll?

In September, eligible wool levy payers will receive their voting papers and a Voter Information Kit containing details about how AWI proposes to invest the levy funds at each of the levy rate options and AWI’s recommendation.
Friday 20 September

Voting will be by mail, fax or online – as per the instructions that will be sent with the voting papers.

Friday 1 November

Voting closes at 5pm (AEDT).


Friday 15 November

The WoolPoll result will be announced at AWI’s Annual General Meeting. The levy rate takes effect from 1 July 2025.


Who can vote?

If you have paid $100 or more in wool levies over the previous three financial years, you will be eligible to vote in WoolPoll. For each $100 of levy paid, you are entitled to one vote.

Your voting entitlement is determined from records of your wool sales. You will be notified of your voting entitlement in August. If you believe your voting entitlement has been miscalculated, you will be able to contact a voter assistance hotline. The cut-off date for this will be 6 September.

Why Vote?

WoolPoll is the opportunity for levy payers to directly influence how much funding AWI will receive for the ensuing period until the next WoolPoll to deliver R&D and marketing services for the Australian wool industry.